With over 25 years experience, I have written almost 150 conversation topics covering the modern world! Ideal for both individual students or companies, invoices available.


Who are you?

Hello! I'm Roger Hartopp (Dip ELS Open), and I originally come from Leicester, England. These days I am based in Poland, in a small town called Głogówek in Opolskie.

Nice to meet you. Tell me more about yourself.

I used to work in public relations for a bus company in Leicester, so I have a wide knowledge of newspapers, radio and television. I worked with the BBC and also produced some television shows for the local cable television station. I am also a published author of English and have a book on the market called TYPICAL ERRORS IN ENGLISH - AN ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO GETTING THE LANGUAGE RIGHT. You can get more details at www.typicalerrorsinenglish.com.

What else have you done?

I am also a proofreader of Polish books published by ViaNova into English: SECRETS OF THE FOUR TEMPLES DISTRICT (November 2010) MAX LEIPELT'S PICTURE POSTCARDS (May 2011), WROCLAW IN DETAIL (published 2013, reprinted 2016), and Wrocław - 75 years on from 1945 (Limited edition, published 2020). I am currently writing a new book on expressing numbers in English, and maintain a website called 'Typical Errors in English' at www.typicalerrorsinenglish.com. Check it out - there's a lot of interesting material there!

How long have you been teaching?


What do you teach and how?

I specialise in English conversation, based around a number of topics, including everyday features, business and the English language itself! I send you texts which include a vocabulary list, some warm-up questions, text reading for intonation and pronounciation, followed by some comprehension questions and a fun quiz using PowerPoint! I also have a sense of humour which can be very useful in learning!

Where do you teach?

Krakow, Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw, wherever - online conversations via SKYPE or TEAMS with original material and now over 115 subjects! Translations and proofing are also available, and I can issue invoices! For more details, see www.rogerhartopp.co.uk

What materials do you use?

I prepare all the materials myself to ensure that what you get is an original lesson. Each text is designed to last a minimum of two one-hour meetings, but I am working on a new series of texts that are designed to last just the one meeting.

How can I contact you?

If you would like English lessons, discussion, or want to learn more about typical errors in English (I teach Mondays to Thursdays only), then please write to me through the Native Speaker website of course, or check my personal website at www.rogerhartopp.co.uk (Click on English Conversation). But when I send an email back to you, please do tell me when you get it. It is courteous.

Do you offer any other services?

With my wife, we also offer an English-Polish translation service, including SWORN TRANSLATIONS.

Anything else?

I think that covers everything! :-)

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